Dark Power Collection: The Deceived

· Zonderkidz · Dinarasikan oleh Bill Myers
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In book two of the Forbidden Doors series by bestselling author Bill Myers, Becka Williams decides to attend a lecture with her crush, Ryan Riordan, and there opens herself to a world of demonic deceit. When the lecturer, Maxwell Hunter, hypnotizes Becka, she sees her past life of royalty and prestige. Seduced by the vision, Becka begins exploring reincarnation and the power it offers. Becka’s brother, Scott, and Ryan must find a way to rescue Becka from the dark forces she’s invited into her life.

Tentang pengarang

Bill Myers (www.Billmyers.com) is a bestselling author and award-winning writer/director whose work has won sixty national and international awards. His books and videos have sold eight million copies and include The Seeing, Eli, The Voice, My Life as, Forbidden Doors, and McGee and Me.

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Dinarasikan oleh Bill Myers