Deadly Loyalty Collection: The Scream

· Zonderkidz · Narração de Bill Myers
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Sobre este audiolivro

Bill Myers’ ninth book in the Forbidden Doors series explores the forces behind satanic music when Scott and Becka Williams are sent tickets to attend a concert by the nation’s top rock band, The Scream, in order to save the drummer from the occult before it’s too late. Scott is a huge fan of the band, and is awed by their fame, while Becka is distracted by the man they’re supposed to save. As the demonic spirits gain power, both Becka and Scott will need to focus on their task.

Sobre o autor

Bill Myers ( is a bestselling author and award-winning writer/director whose work has won sixty national and international awards. His books and videos have sold eight million copies and include The Seeing, Eli, The Voice, My Life as, Forbidden Doors, and McGee and Me.

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