Don't Eat This Book

· Penguin Random House Audio · Morgan Spurlock оқиды
7 сағ 43 мин
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For 30 days, Morgan Spurlock ate nothing but McDonald’s as part of an investigation into the effects of fast food on American health. The resulting documentary earned him an Academy Award nomination and broke box-office records worldwide.

But there’s more to the story, and in Don’t Eat This Book, Spurlock examines everything from school lunch programs and the marketing of fast food to the decline of physical education. He looks at why fast food is so tasty, cheap, and ultimately seductive—and interviews experts from surgeons general and kids to marketing gurus and lawmakers, who share their research and opinions on what we can do to offset a health crisis of supersized proportions.

Don’t eat this groundbreaking, hilarious book—but if you care about your country’s health, your children’s, and your own, you better read it.

Авторы туралы

Morgan Spurlock is a writer, director, and producer, and in 2004 he was awarded the best director prize at the Sundance Film Festival. He is the author of Don’t Eat This Book and Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden?

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