Dragons Do It Dirtier

· Gemma Cates · Αφήγηση από Meg Price και Oliver Clarke
2 κριτικές
Ηχητικό βιβλίο
5 ώ. 34 λ.
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Σχετικά με το ηχητικό βιβλίο

A good girl looking to get a little dirty.


I’m on a quest to prevent my revirginization.

My dry spell has become a drought, and I’m this close to buying batteries in bulk at the wholesale store.

But fortune smiles upon my neglected lady parts when I meet a man who looks like a model for a gym commercial, acts like he might have a few manners, and kisses like he can’t get enough of me.

I wouldn’t have thought it would be all that hard to convince a horny hottie to have sex with me.

I would be wrong.

A playboy dragon determined to keep it in his pants.


I’m not looking for a mate.

Not now.

Maybe never.

But sex? Yes, and often.

Until I meet little blonde Taylor with the perfect pink lips, the lushest peach of an ass, and a taste for my whiskey.

I want her but I can’t have her, because she’s a good girl.

She deserves more than a fling with a dirty dragon.

She deserves forever, and I can’t give her that.

Note from the author: This book contains a sex-starved bookkeeper who’s afraid to trust her heart after her ex-fiancé smashed it into jagged little pieces. It also contains a reluctantly honorable whisky-distilling dragon who doesn’t believe he deserves a second chance at finding his fated mate.

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Περισσότερα από τον χρήστη Gemma Cates

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