EMPATH HEALING: A Short Guide to Finding your Sense of Self and Understanding Highly Sensitive People’s Emotional Abilities to Feel Empathy and Dealing with Energy Vampires

ANMA LAB LIMITED · Anya-এর কণ্ঠে (Google থেকে) AI-ন্যারেটেড অডিওবুক
3 ঘণ্টা 37 মিনিট
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AI-এর মাধ্যমে বর্ণনা করা
ফ্রিতে 21 মিনিট নমুনা চান? যেকোনও সময় শুনুন, এমনকি অফলাইন থাকার সময়ও। 

এই অডিওবুকের বিষয়ে

Do you feel like you’re walking on eggshells when around with sensitive people? Are you afraid of getting misunderstood with your words and efforts? It’s high time that you learn about being empathic.

Empathy is a gift, and developing empathy is just one of the many best things one can do for oneself and others. Why? It fosters understanding, to begin with. When we understand, we start to feel for others, and this leads to better communications. It’s going to be an understatement when we say empathy can improve life because, in truth, it positively affects one’s and everyone else’s life, health, social skills, relationships, and the community as a whole. It heals. It’s life-changing.

EMPATH HEALING is all about knowing and understanding empath, its traits, personality types, embracing the empath in you, and the benefits of being one. You may find it hard to believe, but being an empath doesn’t come easy to everyone.

The book doesn’t only talk about guides for individuals finding empathy and parents learning how to raise an empathic child. Read this book now to discover its other significant coverage, including:

the best career choices for empathic people

ways to avoid getting addicted to being an empathy

knowing if yours is an intuitive empath

balancing your emotions

signs if you are capable of spiritual healing

strengthening one’s mental body

see if you are a psychic empath

how susceptible people and empath differ

boosting one’s psychic abilities

There are struggles, and this book is an excellent guide to discovering these struggles and dealing with each. Being empathic doesn’t mean you need to live someone else’s life, or you have to do what they do or say what others say or think how they think.

Reading through enables you to learn about the misconceptions concerning empathy and identifying energy vampires. Ready to get started? Grab your copy now!

লেখক সম্পর্কে

Do you feel like you’re walking on eggshells when around with sensitive people? Are you afraid of getting misunderstood with your words and efforts? It’s high time that you learn about being empathic.

Empathy is a gift, and developing empathy is just one of the many best things one can do for oneself and others. Why? It fosters understanding, to begin with. When we understand, we start to feel for others, and this leads to better communications. It’s going to be an understatement when we say empathy can improve life because, in truth, it positively affects one’s and everyone else’s life, health, social skills, relationships, and the community as a whole. It heals. It’s life-changing.

EMPATH HEALING is all about knowing and understanding empath, its traits, personality types, embracing the empath in you, and the benefits of being one. You may find it hard to believe, but being an empath doesn’t come easy to everyone.

The book doesn’t only talk about guides for individuals finding empathy and parents learning how to raise an empathic child. Read this book now to discover its other significant coverage, including:

the best career choices for empathic people

ways to avoid getting addicted to being an empathy

knowing if yours is an intuitive empath

balancing your emotions

signs if you are capable of spiritual healing

strengthening one’s mental body

see if you are a psychic empath

how susceptible people and empath differ

boosting one’s psychic abilities

There are struggles, and this book is an excellent guide to discovering these struggles and dealing with each. Being empathic doesn’t mean you need to live someone else’s life, or you have to do what they do or say what others say or think how they think.

Reading through enables you to learn about the misconceptions concerning empathy and identifying energy vampires. Ready to get started? Grab your copy now!

এই অডিওবুকের রেটিং দিন

আপনার মতামত জানান।

কীভাবে শুনবেন

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ল্যাপটপ ও কম্পিউটার
আপনি আপনার কম্পিউটারের ওয়েব ব্রাউজারের ব্যবহার করে Google Play তে কেনা বইগুলি পড়তে পারেন।

Amanda Hope এর থেকে আরো

এই ধরণের আরও অডিওবুক

Anya-এর বলা