For Once In My Life

· W. F. Howes Limited · Səsləndirən: Nicolette Chin
Audio kitab
8 s 55 dəq
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A delightful, entertaining and funny rural romance from the bestselling author with over 550,000 books sold, Karly Lane.
Jenny Hayward cannot believe that she's become a divorced fifty-year-old woman with adult children, a grandmother even! When did that happen? It wasn't that long ago that her three daughters were still young, and Jenny was following her dream studying for her nursing degree.

In the last two years, since her husband walked out, Jenny hasn't had the time to be interested in other men until she is thrust unexpectedly into the world of dating when her daughters and her best friend secretly set her up with a profile on a dating app. Initially outraged, Jenny finally agrees that it's time to move on.

As the dates keep coming, Jenny finds herself dining at the same pub in town each time. And during every date, there's a point at which she escapes to the bar to wonder how the people she loves the most in the world have managed so impressively to pick the wrong men for her.

Or could Jenny be interested in the annoying barman who turns out to be a support person of sorts? Nick cheers her on, advises her she could do better, and is much more enjoyable company. But Nick is also twenty years younger than her.

With that age difference, nothing is going to happen between Nick and Jenny, right?

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