Friendly Beasts

· Zonderkidz · Narator: Rebecca St. James
Audio knjiga
14 min
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O ovoj audio knjizi

“Jesus our brother kind and good
Was humbly born in a stable rude
And the friendly beasts around him stood
Jesus our brother, kind and good”

Join a cow, a camel, a dove, a donkey, and a sheep as they explain what gifts they brought the son of God on the very first Christmas. The Friendly Beasts offers a new way to look at the birth of Jesus through beautiful, memorable illustrations, traditional holiday lyrics, and a CD with narration and music performed by Rebecca St. James.

O autoru

Rebecca St. James, an Australian born Christian recording artist, is both a Grammy Award winner and multiple Dove Award recipient. She is also the bestselling author of Wait for Me, SHE Teen, and What Is He Thinking. She has appeared in the film Sarah’s Choice and provided a voice in VeggieTales An Easter Story.

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Još od autora Rebecca St. James

Slične audioknjige

Narator: Rebecca St. James