Game for Life: John Madden

· Penguin Random House Audio · Chris Browning хүүрнэсэн
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Join the Pro Football Hall of Fame in celebrating the legendary coach, announcer, and video game personality! This new biography is based on interviews with John Madden himself!

Nobody knows more about football than John Madden does. His childhood revolved around sports. When an injury kept him from playing in the NFL, he continued to learn everything he could about football. As head coach of the Oakland Raiders, Madden won more games than any other coach in Raiders history. Then he used his football knowledge as a commentator and the creator of one of the most popular video games ever—Madden NFL. Find out why John Madden is such a beloved member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame!

Game for Life biographies support the Pro Football Hall of Fame's mission to honor the heroes of the game, preserve its history, promote its values, and celebrate excellence everywhere. Don't miss Game for Life: Michael Strahan!

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PETER RICHMOND is a New York Times bestselling author of eight books, ranging from a biography of basketball coach Phil Jackson to an account of the magical season of the 1976 Oakland Raiders. His most recent book, Always a Catch, is a young adult novel about football, fun, and finding oneself. A veteran of the staffs of GQ magazine and five newspapers, he is currently a professor of education at Moravian College in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Visit to find out more.

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