Geronimo Stilton #10: All Because of a Cup of Coffee

· Penguin Random House Audio · Səsləndirən: Edward Herrmann
2 rəy
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1 s 4 dəq
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Bu audiokitab haqqında

One morning, Geronimo goes out for a cup of coffee and sees the most beautiful rodent. It was love at first sight. But his racing heart makes him stumble and he ends up with his tail in a toaster -- how embarrassing! To prove himself, he sets out on the most daring adventure yet: a journey to the Eighth Wonder of the World.

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2 rəy

Müəllif haqqında

Geronimo Stilton runs a newspaper, but his true passion is writing tales of adventure. Here in New Mouse City, the capital of Mouse Island, his books are all bestsellers! His stories are full of fun--tastier than Swiss cheese and tangier than extra-sharp cheddar. They are whisker-licking-good stories, and that's a promise!

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