He Saved My Boy

· Amanda Shelley, Incorporated · Səsləndirən: Tim Paige və Kelsey Navarro
Audio kitab
4 s 21 dəq
Pulsuz 26 dəq nümunə istəyirsiniz? İstənilən vaxt, hətta oflayn olduqda dinləyin. 
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Davis is the first guy to catch my attention since... hell, I don’t even know.

Instantly, he makes me think and feel things I’ve forgotten existed. It has been forever since I put my needs first, so I take the chance and let him light me up from the inside out.

Our night is the kind that will ruin me for all others.

But then I get the dreaded call.

I rush out without a second glance, knowing I’ll likely never see him again.

My son will always come first—Always.

Imagine my surprise when Davis walks in, and I find he’s the only one who can save my boy.

This cannot be happening—I guess it’s time to pull up my big girl panties and see what happens.

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