Hidden Currents

· Lantern Beach Mysteries පොත 1 · Tantor Media Inc · කථනය Dara Rosenberg විසින්
පැය 6 මිනි 58
සුදුසුකම් ලබයි
නොමිලේ මිනි 41 සාම්පලයක් අවශ්‍යද? ඕනෑම වේලාවක, නොබැඳිව පවා සවන් දෙන්න. 
එක් කරන්න

මෙම ශ්‍රව්‍ය පොත ගැන

You can take the detective out of the investigation, but you can't take the investigator out of the detective. A notorious gang puts a bounty on Detective Cady Matthews's head after she takes down their leader, leaving her no choice but to hide until she can testify at trial. But her temporary home across the country on a remote North Carolina island isn't as peaceful as she initially thinks. Living under the new identity of Cassidy Livingston, she struggles to keep her investigative skills tucked away, especially after a body washes ashore. When local police bungle the murder investigation, she can't resist stepping in. But Cassidy is supposed to be keeping a low profile. One wrong move could lead to both her discovery and her demise. Can she bring justice to the island . . . or will the hidden currents surrounding her pull her under for good?

කර්තෘ පිළිබඳ

Christy Barritt's books have won the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Suspense and Mystery, have been twice nominated for the Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award, and have been finalists for both a Carol Award and Foreword magazine's Book of the Year.

Dara Rosenberg is an accomplished voice-over artist who has been recognized nationally for her extensive work in audiobooks and commercials. She has a BFA in drama from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts and studied at Interlochen Arts Academy, where she majored in drama and musical theater. Dara lives in New York City.

මෙම ශ්‍රව්‍ය පොත අගයන්න

ඔබ සිතන දෙය අපට කියන්න.

සවන් දීමේ තොරතුරු

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මාලාව අඛණ්ඩව කියවන්න

Christy Barritt විසින් තවත්

සමාන ශ්‍රව්‍යපොත්