Holy Bible in Audio - King James Version: The Complete Old & New Testament

· Christian Audio · Kuchazwe ngu-David Cochran Heath
514 izibuyekezo
72 ihora 3 iminithi
Ufuna isampula yamahhala engu-7 ihora 12 iminithi? Lalela noma kunini, nanoma ungaxhunyiwe ku-inthanethi. 

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The King James Version has continued to this day to be one of the most beloved and widely sought after translations of the bible into the English language. Now over 400 years old, the King James Version has been shaping Christians for centuries with it's majesty and solemnity.Narrator David Cochran Heath brings his voice of clarity and warmth, making listening an experience the hearer will want to return to again and again.

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514 izibuyekezo

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Okuningi ngo-David Cochran Heath

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