Hooray for Grandparents Day!

· Penguin Random House Audio · Чита Cheryl Stern
5 мин
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О овој аудио-књизи

Everyone at Lassie Lower School is busy getting ready for Grandparents' Day-everyone except Arnie. He doesn't have any grandparents to bring. But he has many other special grownups in his life. There is Mrs. Childs the school librarian, Coach Ed who is always ready for a game of catch, and Bill and Dottie who work at the bakery. Too bad none of them can be his grandparents. Or can they?

О аутору

Nancy Carlson is an accomplished children’s book author and illustrator who has published more than 60 books. She is one of the few people who knew back in kindergarten what she wanted to do for a living: “Make pictures and tell stories!” Nancy is also a guest author and illustrator at over 150 school classrooms each year, and has touched the lives of thousands of children across the country.

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Још од аутора Nancy Carlson

Сличне аудио-књиге

Чита Cheryl Stern