Indigo's Star

· Penguin Random House Audio · කථනය Helen Lederer විසින්
පැය 4 මිනි 35
සුදුසුකම් ලබයි
නොමිලේ මිනි 10 සාම්පලයක් අවශ්‍යද? ඕනෑම වේලාවක, නොබැඳිව පවා සවන් දෙන්න. 
එක් කරන්න

මෙම ශ්‍රව්‍ය පොත ගැන

It's back to school for the start of a new term. Indigo's returning after a bout of glandular fever and is dreading it. Rose is worrying about Indigo--and her new glasses. Saffy is busy dictating Rose's homework answers, while Caddy agonizes over ways to dump her current boyfriend. And their mother, Eve, is busy trying to dry her latest painting with a hairdryer.

Some things never change. But this term Tom has joined Indigo's class. And that will make all the difference . . .

කර්තෘ පිළිබඳ

HILARY MCKAY won the Guardian Children's Award with her first novel, The Exiles. Her subsequent work has achieved similar recognition. The Exiles at Home won the Smarties Prize and the Dog Friday trilogy was also critically acclaimed. A graduate of Botany and Zoology, Hilary now writes full-time. She lives in Derbyshire, England, with her husband and children.

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