Ink by Numbers

· Montgomery Ink: Colorado Springs Kitab 3 · Carrie Ann Ryan · Səsləndirən: Joe Arden
4 rəy
Audio kitab
1 s 9 dəq
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Bu audiokitab haqqında

Kaylee knows art, friendship, and love. And because she’s known love, she wants nothing to do with it ever again. She likes her life just the way it is. Her art and her Brushes with Lushes classes keep her sane and happy.

Landon spends his days with numbers and financial spreadsheets. At night, he just wants to relax, but the only way he can do that is with a woman. But these days, not just any woman will do.

Kaylee and Landon do an excellent job of dancing around each other, but no matter how much desire burns between them or their own personal hang-ups, they’ll need to make a choice: life as they know it, or a life that could be so much more.

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4 rəy

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