Jasmine Green Rescues: A Goat Called Willow

· Jasmine Green Rescues 6-кітап · Penguin Random House Audio · Nneka Okoye оқиды
1 сағ 38 мин
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After Jasmine saves a baby goat from a dire fate, its athletic talents lead to comical mischief—and some difficult decisions.

On a trip to the local fair, Jasmine and her best friend, Tom, discover an orphaned baby goat for sale. The owner says he cannot raise her, so this seems like the perfect use for their spending money. But getting the goat home without Jasmine’s parents realizing is nearly impossible, and so is keeping her inside a pen—Willow loves to jump! Jasmine decides to enter the goat in an agility contest (sheepdogs, move over) to show Mom and Dad just how wonderful Willow is. Will Jasmine’s parents agree to keep the little escape artist? Or is there a better home for Willow than Oak Tree Farm? In a lighthearted adventure, author Helen Peters invites readers on a laugh-out-loud romp through the ups and downs of animal caretaking.

Авторы туралы

Helen Peters is the author of numerous books for young readers that feature heroic girls saving the day, including Anna at War, which has been nominated for a Carnegie Medal, and the Jasmine Green Rescues series. She grew up on an old-fashioned farm in England, surrounded by family, animals, and mud. Helen Peters lives in London.

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