When we pray!
Have you ever prayed for something and later realized the answer you received wasn’t what you expected? It can be confusing and frustrating. Sometimes, we even reject the answer and pray again, convinced it couldn’t possibly be from God.
Often, we miss the answers to our prayers because of our preconceived notions about how they should appear. When the solution doesn't match our expectations, we doubt its authenticity and seek an alternative that aligns with our imagination. However, it's crucial to understand that God's answers to our prayers may not always come in the form we anticipate. They might be disguised in unexpected situations or come from people we never thought could offer a solution.
Keeping an open mind and trusting that "God’s ways are higher than ours" is essential. When we pray, we seek solutions for our immediate desires and needs. Yet, the effects of our prayers can extend far beyond our own lives. Our existence might be the answer to someone else’s prayers from centuries ago, highlighting the profound influence of prayer. Its responses can ignite hope and inspiration not just within us but also in those around us.
The quest for a solution to a problem can be arduous and emotionally taxing, yet this distress can lead us to discover the solution. Conversely, we might endeavor to find a solution to someone else’s problem without realizing that we are the solution ourselves; we might be the answer to their prayer.
This interconnectedness reminds us of the ripple effect our prayers can create. Before Jesus went to the cross, he saw a portion of his destiny as a filled cup in a collage of tests and trials. He prayed three times that this cup would pass him, as he did not want to drink from it. God did not answer him. However, during his third request, Jesus submitted to God’s will, saying, “Nevertheless, not my will, but your will be done.” When life becomes challenging and we yearn for a different answer from God, His silence can be our answer. God may not alter His will for our lives.
Have you ever wondered if the answer to a question you've been grappling with is already out there? If we can formulate a question, God already has the answer. With God, the answer always precedes the question. He comprehends the end from the beginning and is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. The Scripture says, “The Lamb was slain before the foundations of the world,” reaffirming God’s omniscience and omnipotence and reminding us that He is perpetually in control.
Before humanity ever sinned, the solution to the problem was already in place. God had already provided the Answer because He is the Answer. Everything we need is in Him. He is the thirst and the water that quenches the thirst. He is the air we breathe and the lungs that desperately need it. He is the hunger and the food that satisfies. He is everything we need and more. He is God!
Be cautious not to dismiss your answered prayer simply because it doesn’t align with your expectations. This is a common pitfall, like the religious leaders known as the Pharisees, who missed out on salvation by not recognizing Jesus because He didn’t fit their preconceived image of a messiah. Similarly, we might overlook our blessings if we are too fixated on what "The Answer" should look like.
Remember, we should do what we can and leave the things beyond our reach to God. Today, we face many challenges, and people want answers. When we pray, we should strive to have faith in God, knowing that Jesus is The Answer!
Joseph Brice is a dedicated and devoted servant of God with a strong commitment to raising awareness of the divine opportunities available to those who seek them. He has been active in ministry for over 25 years and serves as an ordained minister and brother in Christ. Joseph fully believes in and engages in the manifestation of the Five-Fold Ministry that was established on the foundation laid by the sacrifice and price paid by Jesus for humanity. He is a pastor and a catalyst for the transformation you've been seeking.
Having experienced several out-of-body experiences, Joseph knows firsthand that heaven and hell are real. His life as a gifted builder, leader, speaker, coach, author, producer, husband, and father exemplifies what it means to live fully devoted to the Lord. Joseph's leadership is an inspiring testament to his unwavering faith.
Joseph believes that each soul has a unique print, much like a fingerprint, and that there is no cookie-cutter walk with God. Everyone's journey is distinct, written for them by God. While God provides the blueprint, sometimes we need help understanding it. Joseph, saved from addiction by the power of Jesus Christ, has been clean since the day God saved him. His life is a witness to the power of God working through the Holy Spirit.
With a driving passion for sharing the kingdom of God with those who hunger and thirst for truth, Joseph's mission is to help people become more than just members of a church - he's here to show them how to become full-fledged sons and daughters of the Almighty God!
Preaching the love of Jesus Christ, salvation, and the kingdom of God.