Keto for Life: Reset Your Biological Clock in 21 Days and Optimize Your Diet for Longevity

· Penguin Random House Audio · Brad Kearns хүүрнэсэн
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Mark Sisson, bestselling author of The Keto Reset Diet and publisher of the number one paleo blog, reveals a new ketogenic eating and lifestyle plan that promotes longevity.

At age 66, ancestral health movement leader Mark Sisson is still in peak athletic condition and exceptional health. He credits his ketogenic diet and complementary lifestyle practices as the reason, and rightly so - research has confirmed the anti-aging benefits of following a high fat, moderate protein, low carb eating pattern. In Keto for Life, you'll implement a holistic plan of action to live a long, healthy, and happy life with Sisson's Four Pillars of Longevity: Metabolic Flexibility, Movement and Physical Fitness, Mental Flexibility, and Rest & Recovery. Through mindful eating, moving, thinking, and resting, you can initiate DNA repair and cellular rejuvenation to actually reverse the aging process and halt cognitive or physical decline.

You'll discover how to escape carbohydrate dependency once and for all, incorporate the most potent ketogenic superfoods and supplements available to boost brain function and protect against heart disease, dial in your sleep habits and recovery patterns for an immediate energy boost, and successfully manage modern life stressors like hyperconnectivity. With the game-changing 21-Day Biological Clock Reset, you'll create a daily longevity routine that feels natural and easy to permanently maintain. Featuring over 80 delicious, nutrient-dense ketogenic recipes from leading health and gourmet experts, Keto for Life will unlock your full longevity potential and keep you living well.

*Includes a PDF of Keto for Life recipes.

Зохиогчийн тухай

Mark Sisson is the bestselling author of The Keto Reset Diet, The Keto Reset Diet Cookbook, and The Keto Reset Instant Pot Cookbook, and a former 2:18 marathoner and fourth-place Hawaii Ironman triathlete. He presides over a wide-ranging Primal enterprise, featuring the Primal Kitchen line of healthy condiments, The Primal Health Coach Institute, a line of premium performance and nutritional supplements, and numerous books and online educational courses.

Brad Kearns is the coauthor of Primal Endurance and The Keto Reset Diet, and has worked closely with Mark Sisson for a decade promoting the primal lifestyle. He is a Guinness World Record setting Speedgolfer, host of the award-winning Get Over Yourself podcast, and former #3 world-ranked professional triathlete.

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