The Easter Story

· Twin Sisters · Narrated by Walt Wise
3 reviews
4 min

About this audiobook

Celebrate the inspirational story of Jesus’ Resurrection recorded especially for young children and families! Young readers will learn about Jesus’ last week of life and about how He died for our sins. The Easter story shows Jesus riding into the city of Jerusalem on a donkey with people shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” Next, Jesus is in the temple and turns over tables because the people were not worshipping God. Jesus celebrates with His disciples at the last supper and then prays in the Garden. Soon, soldiers arrest Jesus as He is betrayed by Judas. Jesus is taken to Pontius Pilate, who wants to release Jesus, but the people insist that He be crucified. Jesus dies on a cross and His body is placed in a large tomb. Even though a huge stone covers the entrance and soldiers guard the tomb, Jesus overcomes death. When two women, both named Mary, come to the tomb, the stone is rolled away. They discover that Jesus is alive and go and tell His disciples. Titles in the Bible Stories Series include: In the Beginning, Noah and the Ark, Two By Two, Rise and Shine, Jonah and the Whale, Daniel and the Lions’ Den, David and Goliath, The Story of Esther, All About Jesus, Miracles of Jesus, Jesus Loves The Little Children, The Lord Is My Shepherd, and The Easter Story.

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