
World Castle Publishing, LLC · AI 讲述者:Mary(来自 Google)
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AI 讲述
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Georgeanne Rogers was a former addict. She hadn’t touched anything in over six years, but to hear her boss talk, she could barely function. Sometimes, she just needed someone to talk her down…

Ivy had mentioned George to Lance. To be honest, he had thought George was a guy because of the name, but when he got a look at her, he realized she was one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen. And when he opened the truck door and caught her scent, he was one happy lion…

George wasn’t so sure. Feed her first. She would think later…


Kathi Barton, a winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement award as well as a best-selling author on Amazon and All Romance books, lives in Nashport, Ohio, with her husband, Paul. When not creating new worlds and romance, Kathi and her husband enjoy camping and going to auctions. She can also be seen at county fairs with her husband, who is an artist and potter.

Her muse, a cross between Jimmy Stewart and Hugh Jackman, brings her stories to life for her readers in a way that has them coming back time and again for more. Her favorite genre is paranormal romance, with a great deal of spice.




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