
· Recorded Books · Чита Victor Bevine
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О овој аудио-књизи

New York Times bestselling author Larry Bond thrills again in Lash-Up, an explosive new novel. In a bid to dominate Asia and the western Pacific, China provokes a military crisis with the United States and then starts shooting down GPS satellites. America has only a short amount of time to devise some way of protecting its remaining satellites or China will gain an enormous advantage in the coming conflict. The only way the satellites can be protected is from orbit, so an armed spacecraft must be quickly designed, built, and launched to fight on this new battlefield. A team of soldier-scientists must construct a craft capable of knocking space weapons out of the sky. The fate of the United States rests on the shoulders of these determined people.

О аутору

Larry Bond is a writer and game designer. He graduated from St. Thomas College in 1973 with a degree in quantitative methods. Bond worked as a computer programmer before entering The U.S. Navy Officers Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. He graduated in 1976 and served in the Navy for six years. Bond spent two years with the Navy Reserve Intelligence Program and then worked as a naval analyst for consulting firms in Washington, D.C. Bond also designs games. His Harpoon gaming system was published in 1980 and has won the H.G. Wells Award as the best miniature game of the year in 1981, 1987, and 1997. A computer version of the game was created in 1990 and won the Wargame of the Year award from Computer Gaming World. Bond began his writing career by collaborating with Tom Clancy on the bestseller Red Storm Rising. His own novels include Red Phoenix, The Enemy Within, and Day of Wrath.

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Чита Victor Bevine