Lucky Breaks

· Penguin Random House Audio · Cassandra Campbell оқиды
4 сағ 35 мин
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Осы аудиокітап туралы ақпарат

From Newbery Award-winning author of The Higher Power of Lucky, comes another gorgeously-written literary middle-grade novel.

Lucky makes a new friend, gets stuck in a well, meets up with a wild burro, discards something she didn’t know was precious, and discovers the secret of the universe in this charming and funny sequel to the Newbery Award-winning The Higher Power of Lucky.

Praise for The Higher Power of Lucky:
“This Newbery winner is filled with superb characterizations,
and the talented Cassandra Campbell turns each into a splendid dramatic

Авторы туралы

Susan Patron spent most of her life at the Los Angeles Public Library, first as a ferocious child reader and later as the collection development manager for children’s materials. Now a full-time writer, she is the author of the Billy Que trilogy of picture books; Dark Cloud Strong Breeze; and Maybe Yes, Maybe No, Maybe Maybe. Susan is currently at work on the final book in the Lucky/Hard Pan trilogy.Visit her at

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