As an art dealer in New York, Sophia Antonelliâs worked hard to build her business, but fate forces her to make a deal with organized crime. When things go wrong, she takes the fall and is offered a choice: twenty-five years in jail or the Interstellar Bride Program. The choice is easy and Sophia is shocked to learn sheâs mated to not one, but three Viken warriors.
After ten years fighting the Hive, Gunnar, Erik and Rolf are now the Kingsâ guards at Viken United. Bowing to the new Queenâs wishes, they agree to share an Interstellar Bride. It should be an easy task since sheâs matched to three of them, all battle hardened warriors. But none can save her from being kidnapped during transport.
Accidentally mixed up in an evil organizationâs plot to assassinate the Viken Queen, Sophia refuses to back down, even with her mates standing protectively in the way. After her experience on Earth, sheâs not about to let anyone ruin her new life. Sophia will risk everything to expose her enemy, but when it comes to their new bride, her three Viken mates will do whatever it takes to eliminate the threat and keep her ... forever.
Grace Goodwin ist eine internationale Bestsellerautorin von Science-Fiction und paranormalen Liebesromanen. Grace ist davon Þberzeugt, dass jede Frau, egal ob im Schlafzimmer oder anderswo wie eine Prinzessin behandelt werden sollte. Am liebsten schreibt sie Romane, in denen MÃĪnner ihre Partnerinnen zu verwÃķhnen wissen, sie umsorgen und beschÞtzen. Grace hasst den Winter und liebt die Berge (ja, das ist problematisch) und sie wÞnscht sich, sie kÃķnnte ihre Geschichten einfach downloaden, anstatt sie zwanghaft niederzuschreiben. Grace lebt im Westen der USA und ist professionelle Autorin, eifrige Leserin und bekennender Koffein-Junkie.