Might As Well Be Dead

· Nero Wolfe 27-кітап · Penguin Random House Audio · Michael Prichard оқиды
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“It is always a treat to read a Nero Wolfe mystery. The man has entered our folklore.”—The New York Times Book Review

Eleven years ago, wealthy Nebraska businessman James Herold gave his only son, Paul, a very raw deal. Now he wants Nero Wolfe to track Paul down so that he can make amends. But what if the young man doesn’t want to be found . . . and what if he’s the same P.H. who’s currently on trial for cold-blooded murder? It’s a case that will draw the great detective and his dedicated sidekick into a sticky web of deceit, one that will tax their resources to the utmost, and even cost them one of their own.

Авторы туралы

Rex Stout (1886 - 1975) was an American writer noted for his detective fiction, particularly the 33 novels and nearly four dozen novellas that featured the detective Nero Wolfe and his assistant Archie Goodwin.

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