My Husband's Lies

· Penguin Random House Audio · Steve West хүүрнэсэн
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Tense, disturbing and clever, My Husband's Lies is the second domestic noir from Caroline England, perfect for fans of C. L . Taylor and Apple Tree Yard.

Known since school as 'The A Team,' Nick, Dan, Jan and Will have been best friends for years. But now they're older, and their bond is stretched by partners, children, and the tightening net of secrets that are threatening to emerge.

On the morning of Nick and Lisa's wedding, their friend Penny is found poised on the hotel window ledge, soaking wet and ready to jump. As the A Team rally around her, they soon realise that none of them are being as honest with themselves - or with each other - as they think they are...

Why does Will look at Jan's daughter so strangely? What is Dan really doing on his long lunch breaks? And what is the real reason that Penny was found on that ledge?

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CAROLINE ENGLAND is a former divorce lawyer based in Manchester. My Husband's Lies is her second novel following 2017's Beneath the Skin.

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