On Gold Mountain: The One-Hundred-Year Odyssey of My Chinese-American Family

· Penguin Random House Audio · მთხრობელი: Kate Reading
18 სთ, 6 წთ
გაინტერესებთ უფასო სემპლი ხანგრძლივობით 14 წთ? მოუსმინეთ მას ნებისმიერ დროს, ხაზგარეშე რეჟიმშიც კი. 

ამ აუდიოწიგნის შესახებ

From the bestselling author of The Island of Sea Women, here is the true story of the one-hundred-year-odyssey of the author’s Chinese-American family, combining years of research with “fascinating family anecdotes, imaginative details, and the historical details of immigrant life” (Amy Tan, bestselling author of The Joy Luck Club).

"As engagingly readable as any novel." —Los Angeles Times Book Review

In 1867, Lisa See's great-great-grandfather arrived in America, where he prescribed herbal remedies to immigrant laborers who were treated little better than slaves. His son Fong See later built a mercantile empire and married a Caucasian woman, in spite of laws prohibiting interracial marriage. Lisa herself grew up playing in her family's antiques store in Los Angeles's Chinatown, listening to stories of missionaries and prostitutes, movie stars and Chinese baseball teams.

See’s family history encompasses secret marriages, entrepreneurial genius, romance, racism, and much more, as two distinctly different cultures meet in a new world in this “lovingly rendered…vivid tableau of a family and an era” (People).

ავტორის შესახებ

Lisa See is the New York Times bestsellin­­g author of Peony in Love, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, Flower Net (an Edgar Award nominee), The Interior, and Dragon Bones, as well as the critically acclaimed memoir On Gold Mountain. The Organization of Chinese American Women named her the 2001 National Woman of the Year. She lives in Los Angeles.

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მეტი ავტორისგან Lisa See

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მთხრობელი Kate Reading-ის მიერ