Rapture of Canaan

· Penguin Random House Audio · Kuchazwe ngu-Melissa Hayden
1 isibuyekezo
2 ihora 59 iminithi
Ufuna isampula yamahhala engu-9 iminithi? Lalela noma kunini, nanoma ungaxhunyiwe ku-inthanethi. 

Mayelana nale audiobook

At the Church of Fire and Brimstone and Gods Almighty Baptizing Wind, Grandpa Herman makes the rules for everyone, and everyone obeys, or else. Try as she might, Ninah hasn't succeeded in resisting temptation her prayer partner, James and finds herself pregnant. She fears the wrath of Grandpa Herman, the congregation and of God Himself. But the events that follow show Ninah that Gods ways are more mysterious than even Grandpa Herman understands.

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1 isibuyekezo

Mayelana nomlobi

Sheri Reynolds was born in rural South Carolina and now lives in Virginia. She has taught English at Virginia Commonwealth University, Old Dominion University, and The College of William and Mary. She is at work on a new novel.

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