Sand and Foam

· Voices of Today · Vorgelesen von Denis Daly
53 Min.
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Über dieses Hörbuch

Sand and Foam

by Kahlil Gibran

Narrated by Denis Daly

This collection of aphorisms, poems and parables has been described

as the reflections of a philosopher watching from his window

and commenting on the scenes passing before him.

Barbara Young in her biographical study of Gibran, "The Man from Lebanon,"

assessed this text as follows: "Sand and Foam is a book that will

penetrate the consciousness deeply and inevitably, as The

Prophet has done. It is my opinion, and I have often heard

others express it as their own, that there is not

in the language another book of its character, a book that

has not only three dimensions — height, depth, and breadth -

but also the fourth dimension, timelessness, which is but

another word for time unbounded, limitless......"

Production copyright 2024 Voices of Today.

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