Sand and Foam

· Voices of Today · بیان کردہ منجانب Denis Daly
آڈیو بک
53 منٹ
غیر اختصار شدہ
اہل ہے
5 منٹ کا ایک مفت نمونہ چاہتے ہیں؟ کسی بھی وقت سنیں۔ یہاں تک کہ آف لائن بھی۔ 
شامل کریں

اس آڈیو بک کے بارے میں

Sand and Foam

by Kahlil Gibran

Narrated by Denis Daly

This collection of aphorisms, poems and parables has been described

as the reflections of a philosopher watching from his window

and commenting on the scenes passing before him.

Barbara Young in her biographical study of Gibran, "The Man from Lebanon,"

assessed this text as follows: "Sand and Foam is a book that will

penetrate the consciousness deeply and inevitably, as The

Prophet has done. It is my opinion, and I have often heard

others express it as their own, that there is not

in the language another book of its character, a book that

has not only three dimensions — height, depth, and breadth -

but also the fourth dimension, timelessness, which is but

another word for time unbounded, limitless......"

Production copyright 2024 Voices of Today.

اس آڈیو بک کی درجہ بندی کریں

ہمیں اپنی رائے سے نوازیں۔

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