Scandal in Fair Haven

· Henrie O 2-кітап · Penguin Random House Audio · Kate Reading оқиды
9 сағ 4 мин
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(2nd in Henrie O Mystery series)

Henrietta O'Dwyer Collins, known to her friends as Henrie O, is America's favorite ex-journalist turned sleuth. These days she's looking forward to a quiet holiday at a wealthy friend's mountain cabin in Tennessee. Instead, Henrie O finds herself in the middle of another murder mystery -- this time in the well-heeled neighborhood of Fair Haven. Married to the daughter of a prominent citizen, her friend's nephew appears one morning covered in his wife's blood -- but he swears he didn't kill her. The killing draws Henrie into the lives of the town's best families, and into a world where privilege masks a hotbed of sex, lies, and desperation. But when another corpse turns up, Henrie O knows time is running out. Now she must untangle a deadly web of deceit - or become the next victim of an unknown killer.

"Cheers for Henrie O, an intelligent, engaging sleuth!" (Mary Higgins Clark)

Авторы туралы

An accomplished master of mystery, Carolyn Hart is the author of twenty Death on Demand novels, the creator of the highly praised Henrie O series, and two previous Bailey Ruth mysteries. She has won multiple Agatha, Anthony, and Macavity awards, and received the Lifetime Achievement award from Malice Domestic. Her first Bailey Ruth mystery, Ghost at Work, was named one of the best mysteries of 2008 by Publishers Weekly. She is one of the founders of Sisters in Crime, and lives in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

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