Some Kind of Happiness

· Tantor Media Inc · Читает Tina Wolstencroft
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Об аудиокниге

Things Finley Hart doesn't want to talk about: - Her parents, who are having problems. (But they pretend like they're not.) - Being sent to her grandparents' house for the summer. - Never having met said grandparents. - Her blue days-when life feels overwhelming, and it's hard to keep her head up. (This happens a lot.) Finley's only retreat is the Everwood, a forest kingdom that exists in the pages of her notebook. Until she discovers the endless woods behind her grandparents' house and realizes the Everwood is real-and holds more mysteries than she'd ever imagined, including a family of pirates that she isn't allowed to talk to, trees covered in ash, and a strange old wizard living in a house made of bones. With the help of her cousins, Finley sets out on a mission to save the dying Everwood and uncover its secrets. But as the mysteries pile up and the frightening sadness inside her grows, Finley realizes that if she wants to save the Everwood, she'll first have to save herself. Contains mature themes.

Об авторе

Claire Legrand used to be a musician until she realized she couldn't stop thinking about the stories in her head. Now Ms. Legrand is a full-time writer living in New Jersey. Her books include The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls, The Year of Shadows, and Winterspell.

Tina Wolstencroft is an audiobook narrator with a professional background in improv and sketch comedy. Her youthful energy and timeless soul lends itself to a range of genres, from middle grade/YA and cozy mystery to romance and sci-fi/fantasy.

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Текст читает Tina Wolstencroft