Spinning the Moon: Two Classic Novels: In the Shadow of the Moon and Whispers of Goodbye

· Recorded Books · Narratzailea: Susan Bennett eta Pilar Witherspoon
26 h 21 min
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Time and again, New York Times bestselling author Karen White has proven herself to be the “ultimate voice of women’s fiction” (Fresh Fiction).

Now, you can revisit the beginning of her signature style in two of her earliest novels—completely revised and together in one volume for the first time.

In the Shadow of the Moon
When Laura Truitt first sees the dilapidated plantation house, she’s overcome by a sense of familiarity. Inside, the owner claims to have been waiting for years and offers an old photograph of a woman with Laura’s face. Soon afterwards, when a lunar eclipse inexplicably thrusts Laura back in time to Civil War Georgia, she finds herself fighting not just for her heart, but for her very survival ...

Whispers of Goodbye
Alone and with nothing left to fear, Catherine deClaire Reed answers her sister’s desperate plea and travels to the cold comfort of her home in Reconstruction Louisiana. But Elizabeth is nowhere to be found. No one—including her husband—has seen her for days. Now, Catherine must search for her sister in a place where secrets wait behind every closed door ...

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