Summary of Kati Marton’s The Chancellor

· Falcon Press · Glenn Argenti-এর কণ্ঠে
24 মিনিট
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এই অডিওবুকের বিষয়ে

Buy now to get the main key ideas from Kati Marton’s The Chancellor

The chancellor of Germany does not rule with sovereign power, but by persuasion and support of its political parties. That’s what makes Angela Merkel’s contributions to Germany, Europe, and the entire world during her 16 years as chancellor so remarkable.

Kati Marton’s The Chancellor (2021) details this legacy from Merkel’s humble beginnings in East Germany through her meteoric rise in German politics. Throughout, Marton recounts examples of Merkel’s humble, indefatigable, and brilliant leadership as Germany’s first female chancellor.

As her tenure went on, Merkel began to take global democracy increasingly seriously. With authoritarian populism beginning to spread during her final years as chancellor, she worked relentlessly to ensure European affairs were untainted by the time she left. Despite never truly wanting the role, Merkel leaves her position as the unofficial chancellor of Europe.

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আপনার মতামত জানান।

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