The Best Thing About Christmas

· Twin Sisters · روایت‌شده توسط Walt Wise
کتاب صوتی
2 د
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نمونه رایگانی به‌مدت 1 د می‌خواهید؟ هرزمان که می‌خواهید گوش دهید، حتی وقتی آفلاین هستید. 

درباره این کتاب صوتی

With the busyness of Christmas time, it’s essential to remember the true meaning of Christmas—that Jesus was born for you. This precious, adorably narrated audio book will remind young listeners that, while all of the Christmas activities are exciting and fun, Jesus is the reason we celebrate. He’s the best thing about Christmas! “The best thing about Christmas is that Jesus was born for me. For God had sent us a Savior to set the captives free. The best thing about Christmas is the plan that came from above. For Jesus was born in a manger, yes, Christmas is all about love!” Other titles in this series include: The Gift, Happy Birthday, Jesus and The Friendly Beasts.

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بیشتر از Kim Mitzo Thompson

کتاب‌های صوتی مشابه

راوی: Walt Wise