The Castle in the Attic

· Penguin Random House Audio · Elizabeth Winthrop хүүрнэсэн
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A kid favorite for over thirty years, this award-winning modern-classic is sure to delight readers for years to come!

"Winthrop has a real gift for fantasy..." --Madeleine L'Engle, award-winning author of A Wrinkle in Time

When William learns that his favorite caretaker Mrs. Phillips is leaving, he is devastated. But then she gives him her parting gift--a mysterious model castle that has been in her family for years. The castle is perfect in every way, with a drawbridge, a moat, and a fingerhigh knight to guard the gates. It's almost too real.

Sure enough, when William picks up the tiny silver knight, Sir Simon comes alive in his hand and tells William a mighty story of wild sorcery, wizards, and a kingdom in need of saving. Hoping the castle's magic holds the key to getting his friend to stay, William embarks on a fantastic quest to another land and another time--where a fiery dragon and an evil wizard are waiting to do battle.

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Elizabeth Winthrop is the highly acclaimed author of more than sixty books for children of all ages. She is the daughter of famed journalist and political analyst Stewart Alsop, and the great-grandniece of Theodore Roosevelt. Her works include Counting on Grace, The Castle in the Attic, and The Battle for the Castle. 

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