The Common Enemy

· DCI Warren Jones 4-кітап · HQ Digital · Malk Williams оқиды
11 сағ 51 мин
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Осы аудиокітап туралы ақпарат

‘Highly recommended. Crime Writing at its very best’ – Kate Rhodes on The Last Straw, book 1 in the DCI Warren Jones series

How do you catch a man’s killer when everyone wanted him dead?

In Middlesbury, a rally is being held by the British Allegiance Party – a far-right group protesting against the opening of a new Mosque.

When the crowd disperses, a body is found in an alleyway. Tommy Meegan, the loud-mouthed leader of the group, has been stabbed through the heart.

Across town, a Muslim community centre catches fire in a clear act of arson, leaving a small child in a critical condition. And the tension which has been building in the town for years boils over.

DCI Warren Jones knows he can’t afford to take sides – and must solve both cases before further acts of violent revenge take place. But, in a town at war with itself, and investigating the brutal killing of one of the country’s most-hated men, where does he begin?

Readers LOVE The Common Enemy

‘DCI Warren Jones is one of those characters I just can't get enough of.’ Reader review, 5 Stars

‘Highly recommend... a book that you will struggle to put down.’ Reader review, 5 Stars

‘Excellent story, topical subject and wonderful finish.’ Reader review, 5 Stars

The DCI Warren Jones series
1 The Last Straw
2 No Smoke Without Fire
Blood is Thicker than Water (Novella)
3 Silent as the Grave
A Case Gone Cold (Novella)
4 The Common Enemy
A Deadly Lesson (Novella)
5 Forgive Me Father
At First Glance (Novella)
6 A Price to Pay
7 Out of Sight
8 Time to Kill
9 Web of Lies

Авторы туралы

Paul Gitsham started his career as a biologist working in the UK and Canada. After stints as the world’s most over-qualified receptionist and a spell ensuring that international terrorists hadn’t opened a Child's Savings Account at a major UK bank (a job even duller than working reception) he retrained as a Science Teacher.

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