The George Orwell Fiction Collection: 1984; Animal Farm; Burmese Days; Coming Up for Air; Keep the Aspidistra Flying; A Clergyman’s Daughter

· SNR Audio · Leighton Pugh, Hugh Kermode, Jonathan Oliver, Karen Cass, Roger May хүүрнэсэн
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This audiobook includes unabridged recordings of George Orwell's 5 great novels: 1984; Animal Farm; Burmese Days; Coming Up For Air; and Keep the Aspidistra Flying.

1984: Winston Smith begins to rebel against Big Brother's totalitarian control and falls in love with fellow worker, Julia, but soon discovers the true price of freedom is betrayal.

Animal Farm: Revolution is afoot for the animals at Manor Farm, and Mr Jones must pay the price.

Burmese Days: John Flory, a white timber-merchant in 1920s Burma, sets out to untangle societal conventions and help Dr Veraswami save his reputation.

Coming up for Air: In search of a simpler life, George Bowling escapes London and an impending sense of war to return to his childhood village.

Keep the Aspidistra Flying: Gordon Comstock quits his advertising job to pursue the creative life in opposition to "the money god". Only his ever-faithful Rosemary can rouse him from the stupor and challenge his commitment to his chosen way of life.

Full chapter listing:

- Chapters 2 to 27: 1984

- Chapters 28 to 39: Animal Farm

- Chapters 40 to 66: Burmese Days

- Chapters 67 to 91: Coming up for Air

- Chapters 92 to 105: Keep the Aspidistra Flying

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