The Gingerbread Witch

· Harlequin Audio · Раскажувач: Billie Fulford-Brown
5 ч. 36 мин.
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За аудиокнигава

“A magical tale, brimming with heart." —Anne Ursu, National Book Award–long-listed author of The Troubled Girls of Dragomir Academy

Maud has grown up in a house made of gingerbread, wanting nothing more than to be a witch like Mother Agatha. But just like all of Agatha's gingerbread creations—from the magical house to the chocolate mousse squirrel—Maud will turn back into crumbs if anything ever happens to Agatha.
This seems unthinkable…until Hansel and Gretel, a pair of witch hunters, push Agatha into the cottage's oven.
To save herself and the other creations, Maud will have to go into the dangerous forest of the Shadelands to find the First Witch's spellbook. But with witch hunters on her trail and others interested in the book for their own means, can Maud bring back the only mother she's ever known…or will witch hunters capture her before she can save her gingerbread family?

За авторот

Alexandra Overy grew up in London and moved to LosAngeles to pursue her undergraduate degree in history at UCLA, where she alsocompleted her MFA in screenwriting, and stuck around for the weather and greatice cream. She loves writing in all formats, always centering on fierce womenand morally gray characters, often with a bit of magic and murder. When she’snot writing, she can be found baking, fangirling over her favorite books, orcuddling her foster kittens.

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