The Midnighters

· Penguin Random House Audio · Skaito Billie Fulford-Brown
Garsinė knyga
8 val. 48 min.
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Apie šią garsinę knygą

The Graveyard Book meets Nevermoor in this ghostly tale about two friends, one murder mystery, and a world of intrigue.

Find the courage to be extraordinary...

Ema Vašková has always felt different. In a family of famous scientists, there’s not much room for superstition or omens—but they seem to follow Ema wherever she goes. It doesn’t help that she appears to predict events before they happen, and has a peculiar fear of shadows...

When Ema is sent to stay with her eccentric uncle in Prague, she fears she’ll lose the chance to ever fit in. But then she meets Silvie—a girl who finally sees Ema for the extraordinary girl that she is. Soon the girls are meeting for secret midnight adventures and facing Ema’s fears together.

But then disaster strikes. Silvie goes missing—and it’s up to Ema to find her. Now she must gather the courage to hunt the city, find her friend, and uncover the secrets of the one clue Silvie left as to where she might be—inside the mysterious Midnight Guild...

Apie autorių

Hana Tooke was born in Alkmaar, the Netherlands, and now lives in Bath, England, with her family, a cat, and a spider called Spooder Bob. She received her BA in music from Plymouth University and an MA in writing for young people from Bath Spa University. Before becoming a children's book author, Hana was a singer, a primary school teacher, a cheese seller, and a mad scientist. The Midnighters is her second novel.

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