The Mirror of Merlin: Book 4 of The Lost Years of Merlin

· The Lost Years of Merlin წიგნი 4 · Penguin Random House Audio · მთხრობელი: Kevin Isola
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გაინტერესებთ უფასო სემპლი ხანგრძლივობით 10 წთ? მოუსმინეთ მას ნებისმიერ დროს, ხაზგარეშე რეჟიმშიც კი. 

ამ აუდიოწიგნის შესახებ

Strange wickedness is rising from a remote swamp on the magical isle of Fincayra. To save his homeland, as well as his own destiny, young Merlin must voyage to frightening places–both on the land and in himself.

Joined by Hallia, the deer-woman he has grown to love, and by his own mischievous shadow, Merlin discovers a magical mirror that can alter anyone’s fate. But when he looks into it, the person he sees is the person he least expects to find.

Brimming with passion and spiritual depth, T. A. Barron’s fourth book in The Lost Years of Merlin epic adds a spellbinding new dimension to the legend of Merlin, the towering figure who becomes the mentor to King Arthur and the greatest sage of his time.

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ავტორის შესახებ

T. A. Barron grew up in the mountains of Colorado. He wrote his first novel at Oxford University, between trips to the Highlands of Scotland. Now he writes in the attic of his Colorado home, assisted by his wife, Currie, and their five young children.

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მეტი ავტორისგან T.A. Barron