The Pirate Pig

· Penguin Random House Audio · მთხრობელი: Cornelia Funke
29 წთ
გაინტერესებთ უფასო სემპლი ხანგრძლივობით 5 წთ? მოუსმინეთ მას ნებისმიერ დროს, ხაზგარეშე რეჟიმშიც კი. 

ამ აუდიოწიგნის შესახებ

The beloved and bestselling author of Inkheart brings imagination, adventure, and humor to a swashbuckling full-color chapter book!
Who needs a treasure map when you have a pirate pig with a nose for gold? Stout Sam and his deckhand, Pip, find a pig washed up in a barrel on the beach. They want to keep her as a pet, but they soon realize Julie is no ordinary pig. She can sniff out treasure! What happens if Barracuda Bill, the greediest and meanest pirate who ever sailed the seas, hears about Julie’s special talent?
Cornelia Funke’s charming and fun chapter books are available to an American audience for the very first time.

ავტორის შესახებ

Cornelia Funke is a multiple award-winning German author, best known for writing the Inkworld trilogy as well as The Thief Lord. The Inkworld books, which have won the 2003 Mildred L. Batchelder Award as well as the 2004 and 2006 BookSense Book of the Year Children's Literature Awards, have gained incredible attention and Funke has been dubbed the "German J.K. Rowling." She currently lives in Los Angeles, California.

ამ აუდიოწიგნის შეფასება

გვითხარით თქვენი აზრი.

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მეტი ავტორისგან Cornelia Funke

მსგავსი აუდიოწიგნები

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