The Pirates! Band of Misfits (Movie Tie-in Edition): An Adventure with Scientists & An Adventure with Ahab

· Penguin Random House Audio · በJohn Lee የተተረከ
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6 ሰዓ 23 ደቂቃ
ነፃ የ12 ደቂቃ ናሙና ይፈልጋሉ? በማንኛውም ጊዜ ያዳምጡ፣ ከመስመር ውጭ ሆነውም እንኳ። 

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Adventure? Yes, more than one! Derring-do? Yes! Storms? Sea monsters? Rival pirates? Of course! Cameos by frequently anachronistic historical figures?  You betcha! All that and more.

Not since Moby-Dick. . . . No, not since Treasure Island. . . . Actually, not since Jonah and the Whale has there been a group of seafarers  to rival The Pirates!, and their leader, the greatest ocean-faring hero of all time, the immortal Pirate Captain, who, although he lives for months at a time on the bounding main somehow manages to keep his beard silky and in good condition.


Gideon Defoe is the author of The Pirates! In An Adventure With Scientists, The Pirates! In An Adventure With Ahab and The Pirates! In an Adventure with Communists.

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