The Postman Always Dies Twice

· Movie Club Mysteries 2. knjiga · Beaverstone Press · Pripoveduje Caroline Lennon
9 mnenj
Zvočna knjiga
7 h 9 min
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O tej zvočni knjigi

Breathing hard, I gave a yelp and let the now-empty canister drop to the ground.

“That wasn’t pepper spray.” I stared into the sparkly, green face of the corpse I’d discovered mere hours before. “And you’re not dead.”

When former San Francisco cop Maggie Doyle extends her stay in Ireland, dealing with more murder and mayhem isn’t on her to-do list. Too bad because the instant Maggie and her UFO-enthusiast friend Lenny discover the dead body of Whisper Island’s postman, Maggie’s plans to chill for the next two months are put on ice.

Then Police Sergeant Reynolds, Maggie’s handsome neighbor, arrests Lenny’s brother for the murder, and her friend begs her to find the real killer. Meanwhile, Maggie is hired to investigate ghostly goings on at the Whisper Island Hotel. Can she solve two crimes before St. Patrick’s Day? Or will the island’s annual celebrations end in a glittery flame of green, white, and orange?

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