The Return of the Great Brain

· The Great Brain 6-р ном · Penguin Random House Audio · Jason Culp хүүрнэсэн
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This sixth book in the series is a great combination of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Terrible Two series, and is perfect for fans of Roald Dahl.

Tom Fitzgerald, better known as the Great Brain, is struggling to stay reformed now that his friends have threatened to shut him out if he pulls even one more swindle. But his younger brother J.D. knows Tom's reformation makes for a dull life, and is not altogether unhappy--or blameless--when his brother's money-loving heart stealthily retums to business as usual.

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John D. Fitzgerald was born in Utah and lived there until he left at eighteen to begin a series of interesting careers ranging from jazz drummer to foreign correspondent. His stories of The Great Brain were based on his own childhood in Utah with a conniving older brother named Tom. These reminiscenses led to eight memorable Great Brain books. John D. Fitzgerald also wrote several best-selling adult books, including Papa Married a Mormon. He died in Florida, his home of many years, at the age of eighty-one.

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