The Sands of Time: A Hermux Tantamoq Adventure

· Penguin Random House Audio · Чита Campbell Scott
1 рецензија
5 с 58 мин
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О овој аудио-књизи

This second book, THE SANDS OF TIME continues the adventures of Hermux Tantamoq, mouse and watchmaker in the imaginary city of Pinchester. When the museum announces a show of Mirrin Stentrill's latest paintings - monumental, visionary portraits of cats - Mayor Hooster Pinkwiggin vows to shut it down. Cats are a touchy subject amoung Pinchester's mostly small-rodent population. Complications arise when a mysterious chipmunk named Birch Tentintrotter claims to have a map to the royal library of an ancient kingdom of cats. When Birch recruits Hermux to help him find the library, they discover they're not the only ones looking for it.

Оцене и рецензије

1 рецензија

О аутору

Michael Hoeye first came to Oregon in 1970 to homestead a piece of property in the Coastal Range. After 5 years, he moved to New York where he found city life to be even harder than homesteading. In 1991, he returned to Oregon to marry his sweetheart, Martha Banyas. The Sands of Time is his second Hermux Tantamoq Adventure.

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Још од аутора Michael Hoeye

Сличне аудио-књиге

Чита Campbell Scott