The Scarlet Letter

· Penguin Random House Audio · მთხრობელი: Donada Peters
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გაინტერესებთ უფასო სემპლი ხანგრძლივობით 11 წთ? მოუსმინეთ მას ნებისმიერ დროს, ხაზგარეშე რეჟიმშიც კი. 

ამ აუდიოწიგნის შესახებ

Introduction by Kathryn Harrison
Commentary by Nathaniel Hawthorne, W. D. Howells, and Carl Van Doren
A stark tale of adultery, guilt, and social repression in Puritan New England, The Scarlet Letter is a foundational work of American literature. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s exploration of the dichotomy between the public and private self, internal passion and external convention, gives us the unforgettable Hester Prynne, who discovers strength in the face of ostracism and emerges as a heroine ahead of her time. As Kathryn Harrison points out in her Introduction, Hester is “the herald of the modern heroine.”
Includes a Modern Library Reading Group Guide

ავტორის შესახებ

Nathaniel Hawthorne (1805-64) was an American novelist and short-story writer. He was born in Salem, Massachusetts, and graduated from Bowdoin College. His first novel, Fanshawe, was published anonymously in 1828, followed by several collections of short stories, including Twice-Told Tales and Mosses from an Old Manse. His later novels include The Scarlet Letter, The House of Seven Gables, The Blithedale Romance, and The Marble Faun.

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მეტი ავტორისგან Nathaniel Hawthorne

მსგავსი აუდიოწიგნები

მთხრობელი Donada Peters-ის მიერ