The School at Thrush Green

· Blackstone Audio Inc. · Narrat per Gwen Watford
1 ressenya
6 h 40 min
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Sobre aquest audiollibre

The School at Thrush Green returns readers to the heart of the Cotswolds just as beloved primary school teachers Dorothy Watson and Agnes Fogerty announce their retirement and make plans to leave Thrush Green and buy a new home at Barton-on-Sea. The village people are aflutter with the news, musing about the teachers’ replacements, the fate of the schoolhouse, and an appropriate farewell gift. Further drama unfolds as Dorothy takes up driving and Agnes finds a new friend in a stray cat. As summer turns to fall, the changing seasons reflect the changing face of Thrush Green, where old and new friends settle down and find happiness.

Puntuacions i ressenyes

1 ressenya

Sobre l'autor

The prolific Miss Read is Mrs. Dora Saint, whose novels draw on her own memories of living and teaching in a small English village. She and her husband, a retired schoolmaster, have one daughter and enjoy a quiet life in Berkshire.

Gwen Watford (1927–1994) was an accomplished stage actress whose many appearances included Abiding Passions, A Woman of No Importance, and The Cabinet Minister. She was also a familiar television face, her credits including The Alien Corn, Relatively Speaking, and The Mirror Crack’d from Side to Side.

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