The Schwa Was Here

· Penguin Random House Audio · Neal Shusterman хүүрнэсэн
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This audiobook follows eigth-grader "Antsy" Bonano as he looks back on three accidental, but beneficial friendships with a few interesting characters, including the often ignored, Calvin Schwa.

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Award-winning author and screenwriter Neal Shusterman began his writing career shortly after graduation from college, when his humor column was picked up by a national feature syndicate. In the years since, Neal has made his mark as a successful novelist. His books have been honored with awards from the IRA, the ALA, and many states. His novels span many genres, from suspense thrillers to science fiction to true crime to social satire. As a screenwriter Neal writes original scripts as well as adaptations of his novels for film and TV. Neal lives in Southern California with his four children.

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