The Secrets of Droon #1: The Hidden Stairs and The Magic Carpet

· The Secrets of Droon 1-kitob · Penguin Random House Audio · Oliver Wyman tomonidan hikoya qilingan
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Underneath the steps leading down to Eric's basement is a hidden storage place. It's dusty and old--nothing special at all. But when Eric, Julie, and Neal all huddle inside the gray room together, something unbelievable happens. A glittering light and then a rainbow-colored staircase appear. As the kids take their very first step down into the mysterious land of Droon, they know that only magic and adventure await them!

Muallif haqida

Tony Abbott is the author of over sixty books for young readers, including the extremely popular Secrets of Droon series, which is available on audio from Listening Library. He has been a bookseller and librarian, and currently lives in Connecticut with his wife and two daughters.

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