The Unsleeping Witch

· Harlequin Audio · Loeb: Billie Fulford-Brown
6 h
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Sleeping Beauty is about to wake up.

Maud may be made of gingerbread—plus a spark of magic—but she’s a real witch! Even if she’s still learning, and has a habit of making messes…and might have accidentally unleashed the hundred-year-old Class IV sleeping curse that envelops a princess’s bramble-covered castle. Oops.

Maud has her friends Gretel, Ludo, and Nuss the hazelnut mousse squirrel to help her fix this. But it won’t be easy to find the sleeping princess’s true love, and the curse might end up being the least of their problems…

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Teave autori kohta

Alexandra Overy grew up in London and moved to LosAngeles to pursue her undergraduate degree in history at UCLA, where she alsocompleted her MFA in screenwriting, and stuck around for the weather and greatice cream. She loves writing in all formats, always centering on fierce womenand morally gray characters, often with a bit of magic and murder. When she’snot writing, she can be found baking, fangirling over her favorite books, orcuddling her foster kittens.

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